Due to respect for the organizer and festival, please do not contact the artist(s) for private workshops, training or anything business related. The organizer and artist(s) have a contract, therefore, any business or training related communication with the artist(s) is strictly prohibited and is brought up to the organizer. Situations like these has happened before and it is not professional of the person contacting our artist(s) for their own benefit. Any questions you have, you may contact the organizers of the event.
6:00pm - 9:00pm: Gala show:
(doors open at 4:45pm)
Gala show artists
Mercedes nieto - hungary
Julia farid - ukraine - italy
Jizzelle - usa - mexico
Issam houshan – usa
Moris - usa
Fahtiem - usa - germany
Rania bossonis - usa - greece
Meera - usa - india
Angelika nemeth - usa
Sonia ochoa - usa
Aleya of cairo
Isabella salimpour - usa
Antonia - ukraine - usa
Jizzelle alexis -
Latin fusion group drum solo
Mariela sawa ~ usa - mexico
Karina - mexico - usa
Shani – usa
M & m: may & michelle – usa /china
Jennelah - usa
Crystal liu - usa - china
Inland fanghua & blue moon
Additional Dates: