Gagaku Ensemble Toki no Koe
7:00pm Lecture by Mayumi Miyata
7:30pm Concert
The first night of the festival will feature the exciting new gagaku ensemble Toki no Koe, a group dedicated to performing both classical repertoire and ambitious new works for gagaku instruments. The ensemble is directed by sho soloist Mayumi Miyata, who has premiered works by masters including Tōru Takemitsu and John Cage. The evening’s performance will include classical repertoire as well as contemporary works, including world premieres by composers Osamu Kawakami and Tetsuya Yamamoto, and a 2008 work by Sukeyasu Shiba, a pioneer in bridging the gap between classical and contemporary gagaku music. The concert will be followed by a forum with the commissioned composers and Ms. Miyata, moderated by Ralph Samuelson.
Performers: Mayumi Miyata, sho solo; Moriyuki Shimeno, ryuteki; Yoshie Kunimoto, hichiriki; Hanako Nakamura, sho; Yoshiyuki Izaki, biwa; Sakura Kido, koto.
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