Mexico Now Festival

Friday, Nov 22, 2024 at 6:30pm

Chelsea Factory
547 West 26th Street

Performing Arts / Community Celebration
Fandango Jarocho Newyorkino

Fandango Jarocho Newyorkino is a family-friendly community celebration filled with music and dance courtesy of the fandanguero community of New York City. This one-night-only event is inspired by fandango jarocho, a living cultural tradition over 400 years old from the coastal region of southern Mexico, but infused with distinctive New York influences. Everyone is welcome!

The roots of fandango jarocho go back to the spontaneous jams that would inevitably arise whenever neighboring rural townships gathered at local festivals and markets in Mexico. Performers and artisans would share poetry, theater, food, fashion, and music: jaranas, violins, harps, folksongs, and zapateados around a wooden platform called tarima. The sharing spirit of these gatherings expanded across the country, developing into rituals that have inspired meaningful cross-cultural connections.

This event is presented with The Latinx Project at NYU.


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