Saturday, Mar 1, 2025 at 11:30am
Campus Recreation is proud to present its annual King of the Mountain Trail Race hosted at Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The King of The Mountain course is a single track, one mile course straight up Liberty Mountain! The race will start at Snowflex following Falwell Road, and the finish will be located at the very top of Snowflex. We will have water and Gatorade at the top waiting for and volunteers will be around to help guide you. This is the culminating event in the Liberty Mountain Trail Series!
Awards will be given to the top 3 male & female overall winners, top 3 male & female in each age group, and top male & female masters (>40 years of age) overall winners. Overall awards will be ranked by gun time, age group awards will be ranked on chip time.
Door prizes will also be given out throughout the event.