Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 at 10:00am
Berean is hosting a community-focused Easter outreach event, from 10am to noon, designed to share the love and message of Christ with our community and neighborhood. This event will offer a family-friendly environment where neighbors can experience the joy of Easter, connect with church members, and hear the Gospel in an engaging way. A major piece of the event will be a live walk through of the Easter story, with 12 stations set up inside the church depicting the various events of the week leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Bereans are invited to sign up for one of the stations and use your creativity to depict that part of the story. Additional details and guidelines will be provided. Volunteers are also needed to serve as Berean Ambassadors for the morning – welcoming visitors, guiding them to the various activities, etc. - as well as people to help serve food, set up and take down, etc. There is something for anyone who'd like to be a part of the event!
Click here to sign up to help!