The Waseca Sleigh and Cutter Festival is a fun escape from winter after the holidays are over. If you like horses, ice sculptures, and parades, this event is for you. We have activities for all ages. Just a few of our events include a Frosty the Snowman contest, medallion hunt, a dance, and a coloring contest. Take a look at the full event calendar below to find out about all the upcoming events.
Schedule of Events:
Sleigh And Cutter Parade
12 pm Start Time. Parade Starts From Wasea County Fairgrounds And Runs Through Downtown Waseca. The Parade Will Feature Multiple Breeds Of Horses Pulling Many Types Of Units. Other Parade Attractions Include: Lema (Law Enforcement Memorial Association) And Several Queens.
Sleigh And Cutter Fireworks Display - After Sunset Over Clear Lake In Waseca.
Toner's Lake Vintage Ride
9:00 am - 10:30 am: Registration
Additional Dates: