The Baton Rouge Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Banquet Committee has organized an incredible evening for this year’s annual event. We would like to formally invite you to join us for an evening full of fun and fellowship, honoring two of the best in DU. Doors open at 5:30 pm at the Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel on Thursday, March 20, 2024.
Join us for an exclusive event honoring Dr. Luke and Mrs. Sonja Laborde for their steadfast commitment and passion for waterfowl, scholars, and wetland conservation. Ducks Unlimited Grand Slam Legacy Sponsors, Dr. Luke and Mrs. Sonja Laborde’s commitment to conservation spans a lifetime. After attending a local DU banquet in 1987, the Laborde’s dedication to young people and conservation quickly took shape. It’s rare to encounter someone, whether a student, friend, or mentee, that has not been touched by Luke and Sonja.
This year’s event is the first of its kind for Baton Rouge. We will host our friends from Ducks Unlimited Canada and Ducks Unlimited de Mexico for a “Grand Slam” experience. We will have some very exclusive items up for auction, including but not limited to: Pebble beach golf trip for four, Oklahoma Duck and Goose hunt for four, Arkansas Duck hunt for four, 125th Anniversary Winchester Model .30-30, Beretta 686 Shotgun of the year, Turkey Hunts to Mexico and Florida, South Dakota Pheasant Hunt for 4, original M1 Carbine, Canada Duck and Goose Hunt, and Jared DuCote original artwork. Major sponsors are encouraged to direct their contributions to Louisiana’s Gulf Coast Initiative, Ducks Unlimited Canada, or Ducks Unlimited de México. In Luke and Sonja’s honor, special
donor recognition opportunities are available across all three North American landscapes.
Last year, Ducks Unlimited invested more than $21 million into Louisiana to restore, preserve, and conserve the ideal environment for all waterfowl right here in our own backyard. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people. Dr. Luke and Mrs. Sonja have chosen to carry on their passion for conservation across the North American landscape by fundraising at the “Grand Slam” level. All major gifts and proceeds will benefit either the Louisiana Gulf Coast Initiative, the breeding grounds of the prairie potholes in Saskatchewan, or the wintering grounds to so many of our waterfowl in Mexico.
We are very excited for this year’s banquet and look forward to seeing you and all your friends on March 20th. Mark your calendars and reserve your tables now. This year’s event will be one you won’t want to miss!